What You Get

  • Quote response minutes after submission

  • Immediate responses to all queries and requirement's

  • 24/7 availability & support

  • 1-5 days turnaround options

  • 100% on-time

  • Certified translations by legal experts

  • Continuous cost reduction with TM

Translation Services for Business

    What You Get

    • Quote response minutes after submission

    • Immediate responses to all queries and requirement's

    • 24/7 availability & support

    • 1-5 days turnaround options

    • 100% on-time

    • Certified translations by legal experts

    • Continuous cost reduction with TM

    Translation Services for Personal

      Thank You!

      We have recieved your query and will strive to respond to you within 30 minutes, If you would like to speak with someone earlier please call +442038756915

      Choose Vocalegal for faster turnaround times- our clients never miss a deadline!

      Don’t miss an opportunity to be of service to the disadvantaged, to promote fairness and justice, or to make a difference in matters that affect our world.

      15 mins

      Average response time




      Charged for pro-bono projects

      Get our best

      The world we collectively have created and live in today doesn’t work for everyone, and we would like to help transform that through what we are good at.

      Work with some of the best translation professionals in getting documents translated for your pro bono matters.

      Giving is an opportunity

      Giving is not something we brag about; it is an opportunity for us to put a little back into the world, so it is a better place for everyone.

      Causes not cases

      We understand that there are a million and one individual cases that need help, however, the pro-bono opportunities we take on are causes that have the potential to make a national or international impact.

      Causes we support

      We are interested in changing contexts and addressing root causes including but not limited to:

      Human rights

      Environmental pollution

      Freedom of movement

      International justice

      Right to self-determination

      Economic exploitation

      Pro Bono Translation Services

      Match funding

      Vocalegal will match-fund any charitable projects that are aligned with the causes we support.

      Document translation

      Translation of documents by subject matter experts for review, fact-building, evidence and submissions.


      Professional in-person and remote interpreters for consecutive or simultaneous interpreting.


      Legal transcription and translation of audio-video files in foreign languages.

      Contentious translation mediation

      Facilitation of consensus building around contentious translations and offering impartial expert advice.

      Foreign language document review

      Documents and ESI reviewed in their source language for relevance, responsiveness, privilege, and confidentiality

      If you are working on a project that challenges unfair policies, seeks to bring about positive reform in legislation, or touches the lives of many on a global scale, we would love to hear from you and explore how we can support you in overcoming the language barriers part on a pro bono basis.