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      21 April 2023

      Lost in Translation: How Legal Translation Services Can Help Navigate Cross-Border Litigation and Arbitration Proceedings

      litigation and arbitration

      Legal translation services are crucial in cross-border litigation and arbitration proceedings, ensuring that lawyers and their clients can effectively navigate complex legal processes in foreign languages. Accurate translations of legal documents, court transcripts, and other materials are vital for all parties involved to understand the issues at hand clearly. This article will explore the significance of legal translation services in cross-border litigation and arbitration proceedings. We will highlight key factors lawyers should consider when selecting a legal translation service provider.


      How Inaccurate Legal Translation Can Result in the Loss of a Case

      The case of Sino East Minerals Ltd v. The Union of Myanmar provides an example of how inaccurate legal translation can lead to a misinterpretation of legal documents and ultimately result in the loss of a case. In this case, the English and Burmese versions of the mining concession agreement were not identical, and the Burmese version had been given more weight in the local courts. This led to a misunderstanding of the agreement and a ruling against the claimant, a Canadian mining company. The inaccurate translation of the agreement played a significant role in the ruling against the claimant, demonstrating the crucial importance of ensuring that translations are accurate and reliable in cross-border litigation and arbitration proceedings. This case highlights the need for specialised legal translation service providers who deeply understand legal terminology and concepts and can provide accurate translations of legal documents and other materials.

      The Importance of Expertise in Legal Translation

      Understanding Legal Terminology and Concepts

      Legal translation requires a deep understanding of legal terminology and concepts and accurately conveying this information in another language. Legal translation service providers specialising in this field have the expertise and experience to ensure reliable translations. In international arbitration cases such as Occidental Petroleum Corporation v. The Republic of Ecuador, accurate translations of documents played a crucial role in presenting the parties’ arguments.

      Qualified Translators and Translation Technology

      Qualified translators with a strong understanding of the legal systems in both the source and target languages are vital for accurate and reliable legal translation. Using the latest translation technology, such as translation memory and machine translation, can improve the efficiency and accuracy of legal translation services when used in conjunction with human translators.


      Benefits of Legal Translation Services in Cross-Border Proceedings

      Clear Understanding of Issues and Prevention of Misunderstandings
      Vocalegal translation services help ensure that all parties involved in cross-border proceedings clearly understand the issues, preventing misunderstandings and facilitating decisions based on a shared comprehension of facts and law.

      Improved Efficiency and Meeting Deadlines

      Vocalegal translation services can improve the efficiency of proceedings and ensure that deadlines are met by providing accurate translations of legal documents and other materials, such as in the case of The Republic of Croatia v. MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas PLC, where meeting deadlines for document submission was crucial.

      Reduced Risk of Errors and Inaccuracies

      Vocalegal translation services can minimise the risk of errors and inaccuracies, which is particularly important in cases where the outcome of the proceedings could have significant legal and financial implications for the parties involved, as seen in the investment arbitration case of Philip Morris v. Uruguay.



      Legal translation services are indispensable for cross-border litigation and arbitration proceedings. Lawyers should consider factors such as specialisation in legal translation, a team of qualified translators, and using the latest translation technology when choosing a legal translation service provider. By selecting the right provider, lawyers can ensure accurate and reliable translations, prevent misunderstandings, and improve the efficiency of the proceedings, ultimately reducing the risk of errors and inaccuracies.

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