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  • Quote response minutes after submission

  • Immediate responses to all queries and requirement's

  • 24/7 availability & support

  • 1-5 days turnaround options

  • 100% on-time

  • Certified translations by legal experts

  • Continuous cost reduction with TM

Translation Services for Business

    What You Get

    • Quote response minutes after submission

    • Immediate responses to all queries and requirement's

    • 24/7 availability & support

    • 1-5 days turnaround options

    • 100% on-time

    • Certified translations by legal experts

    • Continuous cost reduction with TM

    Translation Services for Personal

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      19 June 2023

      Tips for Faster, Better and Cost-friendly Document Translations

      get documents translated fast and cheap with the certified service

      Fast document translation? Better document translations? Cost-friendly translations? As a translation service provider, we believe that you can play an active role in ensuring that your translations are completed accurately, efficiently, and cost-effectively. Here are some things that you can do to help get your translations completed better, faster, and for less:

      1. Provide clear and concise instructions

        Provide us with clear and concise instructions about the scope of work, the target audience, and the purpose of the translation. This helps us to ensure that the translation is tailored to your specific needs.

      2. Provide reference materials

        Provide us with reference materials, such as glossaries or style guides, to ensure consistency in terminology and writing style. This helps to ensure that the translation is accurate and consistent throughout.

      3. Be responsive

        Respond to our inquiries or requests for clarification promptly to avoid any delays in the translation process. This helps to ensure that the translation is completed in a timely manner.

      4. Plan ahead

        Plan ahead and allow enough time for the translation process to be completed, especially for larger or more complex projects. This helps to ensure that the translation is completed accurately and within the required timeframe.

      5. Be realistic about deadlines

        Be realistic about your deadlines and provide a reasonable timeframe for us to deliver high-quality translations. This helps to ensure that the translation is completed to the required standard and within the specified timeframe.

      6. Minimize revisions

        Minimize the number of revisions you request by ensuring that the source materials are accurate and complete before submitting them to us. This helps to reduce the time and cost involved in the translation process.

      7. Consider machine translation

        Consider using machine translation to save time and reduce costs for simpler translation projects that don’t require human intervention. However, it is important to note that machine translation may not always be suitable for more complex translations.

      8. Build a long-term relationship

        Build a long-term relationship with us to develop a better understanding of your needs and requirements, resulting in smoother and more efficient translations. This helps to ensure that the translation process is tailored to your specific needs.

      9. Provide feedback

        Provide feedback to us on the quality and accuracy of the translations to help improve the quality of future projects. This helps to ensure that the translation process is continually improving and meeting your needs.

      10. Use terminology consistently

        Use consistent terminology in your source materials to avoid confusion and ensure accurate translations. This helps to ensure that the translation is accurate and consistent throughout.

      In conclusion, by following these suggestions, you can help us to deliver high-quality translations that meet your needs and expectations in a more efficient and cost-effective manner. Remember, the translation process is a collaborative effort between you and us, and by working together, we can achieve successful outcomes.

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